Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festivais Gil Vicente
Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festivais Gil Vicente
Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festivais Gil Vicente
INES 2 - Digital Royalty & Rights Accounting
INES 2 - Digital Royalty & Rights Accounting


Palácio Vila Flor / Room S2
INES SEssions
INES 2 - Digital Royalty & Rights Accounting

Big data, little money? The digital eco-system presents increasing challenges in the proper accounting and reporting of digital royalties, copyright and related rights to artists, authors-composers and publishers.

Chris Chambers presents Backbeat: a functional solution for labels and publishers that can help with all this number crunching in the new era of micro-payments. It even speaks CWR!

westwaylab.com desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile