Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festivais Gil Vicente
Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festivais Gil Vicente
Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festivais Gil Vicente
2025.04.09 RTCP Meeting – Network of Portuguese Theaters and Cinematheques Focus on Music
2025.04.09 RTCP Meeting – Network of Portuguese Theaters and Cinematheques Focus on Music


Small Auditorium
RTCP Meeting – Network of Portuguese Theaters and Cinematheques - Focus on Music

10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Panel: The Thriving Music Ecosystem and the Added Value of Networking.

Music is a powerful tool for building community, transforming local economies, and artistic expression. It feels vital to develop a continuous fieldwork effort that brings together all the constituents of this important ecosystem to optimize its functioning.

The purpose of this discussion is to promote a circular conversation to identify, question, and solve collaboration dynamics in the music field. A collective perspective to strengthen the search for strategies of proximity, articulation, and communication that favor networking within a configured system (RTCP), but designed to empower the role of the arts in the national territory and contribute to its cohesion.

Luís Fernandes (Theatro Circo), Mónica Guerreiro (Ponto C), Rui Teigão (DGArtes)

Moderator: Inês Nadais

12:30 PM - 3:00 PM – Lunch Break

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Location: Palácio Vila Flor

Round Tables

Afternoon work session to foster knowledge exchange between programmers, agents, and artists, and generate ideas for better networking in the music field.

A maximum of 20 participants per table

Accessibility: Music for All
Topics: Democratization of access to education and musical practice

  • Sustainability - Structures: Musical Spaces of the Future
    Topics: The role of cultural structures in enabling independent music

  • Internationalization: Music Without Borders

    • The impact of international networks and circuits on the careers of musicians and producers

    • Partnerships and cultural exchanges: challenges and opportunities

  • Sustainability - Cultural Mobility: Music in Motion
    Topics: Decentralization of cultural offerings and encouragement of regional circuits

Final Considerations



Junte-se a nós no Centro Cultural Vila Flor para um evento emocionante repleto de música, networking e criatividade. Estabeleça contacto pessoal com outros entusiastas da música, artistas e profissionais do setor. Explore novas oportunidades, troque ideias e faça parte de uma comunidade vibrante e apaixonada pela música. Não perca esta experiência única no Westway MEETING 2025!

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