Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festivais Gil Vicente
Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festivais Gil Vicente
Festas da Cidade e Gualterianas
Festivais Gil Vicente
2021.04.10 Atuações Streaming
2021.04.10 Atuações Streaming
SATURDAY 10 / 15H00
The Spanish Wave // Streaming Shows

The showcase of European musical talents that perform live throughout some venues around the city of Guimarães during the Westway LAB - the very cherished City Showcases - returns to the virtual realm one more time. A streaming program will bring together musical projects from different countries and different aesthetics. This is also the mean how Westway LAB puts together artists with some of the most important European networks in the sector, of which it is an integral member, such as E.T.E.P. and I.N.E.S.

This 8th edition begins the Iberian collaboration that will lead to the Iberian Focus in 2022, via our partnership with "The Spanish Wave", featuring virtual showcases by Olivia is a Ghost, Go Cactus, Melenas and Pinpilinpussies, 4 Spanish acts to follow. This first showcase will unleash a new dynamic in the music sectors between Portugal and Spain, generating a collaborative environment for all music professionals from both countries.

"The Spanish Wave" thus unveils the Spanish musical scene and launches a new regard towards the creative potential of the Iberian Focus, that will be fully revealed in the 9th edition of Westway LAB, during the next year.

▶ Olivia is a Ghost (The Spanish Wave)

▶ Go Cactus (The Spanish Wave)

▶ Melenas (The Spanish Wave | ETEP)

▶ Pinpilinpussies (The Spanish Wave | ETEP)

▶ My Ugly Clementine (ETEP)

▶ Julia Bardo (ETEP)

▶ Tuys (INES#talent)

▶ Alicia Edelweiss (INES#talent)

▶ Sofia Talvik (INES#talent)

▶ Mira Quebec

Follow the concerts online at facebook.com/westwaylab.portugal

Olivia is a ghost

Spainish Wave

Go Cactus

Spanish Wave


Spanish Wave / ETEP


Spanish Wave / ETEP

My Ugly Clementine

Austria/ ETEP

Julia Bardo

Italia / ETEP


Luxembourg / INES#talent

Alicia Edelweiss

Austria / INES#talent

Sofia Talvik

Sweden / INES#talent

Mira Quebec


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